for PPAM Members Only
"Do you want to know what it takes to excel in Image Competition? PPAM Image Comp Co-Chairs Cathy Broderick, CPP, and Paula Swift, CPP, will be offering 3 Image Competition Prep Seminars this fall. (BTW, the name has
been changed to "Image Competition" to reflect the fact that members can enter both print and digital images.)
At each mini seminar Paula and Cathy will introduce the new online registration system,, that PPAM will be using at our Convention for the first time. This is much like the process used by PPA's International Print Competition. Cathy and Paula will also share their experience entering PPAM Image Comp and show some before and afters of their award-winning images, as well as some that didn't quite make the grade!
Nancy Green, Andrea or Ed will then discuss the "12 Elements of a Merit Image" and give their perspective as a Judge.
Members are invited to bring examples of images they are considering for Competition for feedback and suggestions. "
If PPAM members are interested in a "practice competition" that uses the same system we will use
next Feb, they can enter Ohio's Fall Digital Image Comp. that is open to non-members of their organization. Complete rules here People can enter individual digital
images for $10 each and there are 3 Affiliated Jurors on the panel-a great way to get feedback!
There is no better way to grow your photography than to participate in Image Competition! If you are working towards your PPA Masters, your home state is the best place to start. PPAM also offers its own degree,
the Degree of Photographic Excellence, that is earned through participating in Image Competition. "