PPAM Holiday Social 2018

  • 02 Dec 2018
  • 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Pembroke, MA


Registration is closed
PPAM Holiday Social

Sunday, December 2nd, 2018

Noon - 5:00pm

Photography by Susan White & Mark O'Connell

21 Kallio Path
Pembroke, MA. 02359

‘Tis the Season’ of giving and celebrating together!
Join in the festivities, food and fun in a casual environment at PPAM’s  Holiday Social!

It’ll be a potluck event so please sign up to bring your favorite food. Volunteers are also needed to help with decorating, set-up and clean-up.

Bring your own adult beverage.
(Spouses, significant others and friends are welcome)

ALSO - Mark and Susan have offered to create a photo slideshow of YOUR BEST IMAGES FROM 2018.

That's right, send in your best two or three images and Susan will create a photo slideshow to run during the Holiday Social.
*2000p on the long side, email images ASAP to whiteoconnell@aol.com

Lastly, in the spirit of the season...

Please bring a new, unwrapped gift to benefit the
Toys for Tots program.

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